
I could sit here and tell you why we, men are so stupid when it comes to women. But i can only speak for real men . bot the yong thug wannabe down the street or the broke drug dealer you met at some party. Im not talking about the men who seems to have everything flashy and shinny .

No, im talking about men.

See ..

It not just her thick thighs

Its not just her sexy lips

Or her curvy ass

Its the way she walks

Its not just the smell of perfume

Or the make up she wears

Its not about the cute dress

Its how she carries herself

Its not just her sexy talk

Its not the flat stomach

Or the nice breast

Its the way she looks at you

Its not her new hair dew

Its not the nails she got done

Its not the eyelashes she added on

Its the way she moves

That walk

When she walks with confidence

When she carries herself like a queen

When she has that self respect

The way loves herself

The way she loves life

That natural appreciation

When she knows

It does not matter what he or she thinks

At the end of the day

She ruled the ground she walked on

The sun ? The sun dint just kiss her skin

It was created after her

The moon? The moon was made to worship her

when the sun needed a brake

The verry air we breath is testament to her

strenght .

Her kids are proof of her love

She governs the heart of those beneath her

And as a queen , she does not need a throne

Because she knows

No matter where she is

She is the living throne

Her crown is not one you can remove

It comes with a price

Its a living sacrifice

No one can take that away

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